" Our vision is that all St. William students will continually develop spiritually, academically, creatively and socially. "

(513) 471-2989

Fax: (513) 669-2678

4125 St. William Ave.

Cincinnati, OH 45205

07:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Monday to Friday

123 456 789


Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

Tuition & Fees

Preschool – 8th Grade
$6200 / 2023-24 School Year

Tuition is paid monthly. The payment schedule is; ten (10) payments of $620.00 per child per month, 1st payment August 15th, and the last payment May 15th.

The office appreciates your prompt attention in paying tuition. Payments are considered late after the last day of each month.

Payments may be made by check or money order only. Tuition includes textbook rentals, workbooks, and technology fees. A late fee of $30 is added to late payments. A charge of $50.00 will be made for returned checks. The school reserves the right to exclude a child from school if tuition is more than thirty days late.

Ohio EdChoice Scholarship

The Educational Choice Scholarship (EdChoice) Program provides students from underperforming public schools the opportunity to attend participating private schools. The program also provides low-income students who are entering kindergarten through third grade the same opportunity. The program provides up to 60,000 EdChoice scholarships to eligible students.  For more information or to apply contact the school office or follow the link provided.  The online student application system will open February 1.

Parents/guardians are required to support the school both financially and through their volunteer efforts. The Sunday collection is the primary source of funding for the school. Tuition and fees are the second source through which the school obtains its operating funds. To enable the Parish to plan and meet its budgetary requirements, tuition and fees must be paid in a timely manner.

Tuition Guidelines

  • Tuition will be charged for each student enrolled in St. William School. (EdChoice, Expansion, Autism and Jon Peterson Scholarships are applied toward tuition first.)
  • A non-refundable registration fee of $100 for new families and $50 for returning families is due at time of registration.
  • Tuition payments are made in ten (10) monthly installments, beginning on August 15th of each year and continuing through May 15th of the following year.
  • Tuition payments are due by the fifteenth (15) of each month.
  • If tuition is not current, the child(ren) will not be permitted to return to school the following school year.
  • At the end of each trimester, report cards will be held for students not current with tuition or fees.
  • If a parent wishes to withdraw a child, all tuition and fees must be paid before school records are released.
  • Final transcripts will not be forwarded to the high schools until tuition is paid in full. We will release copies of report cards, standardized testing scores etc. in November to the high schools.
  • Tuition payments can be made monthly by check or by automatic monthly transfer from a checking or savings account.